Hey everybody! Dr. Doreste, Cranial Release Technique®, here with another video. Again, experimenting with the Live YouTube programming and how that all works.
But I did receive quite a few emails over the last few weeks about the question of “What about, and is there a cranial connection to shoulder issues, elbow issues with wrist issues, leg issues, knee, ankle, extremities, sports injuries…?” Things like that. And I just wanted to kind of review some concepts with you.
And again it’s a live demo here. It might be a little choppy because I’m getting used to the technology.
We have the work of Dr. William Sutherland more than 100 years ago. The “father of cranial work” and he was the one that looked at the cranium, looked into 22 separate bones and kind of scratched his head and said, why 22? Why aren’t they all one solid bone? And you really couldn’t get an answer. The professors didn’t have an answer. He didn’t have the answers in a textbook and in his own writings he talks about being in this sort of dream like half-awake half asleep, that nice quiet state in between. And sees a fish swimming. Sees the gills of the fish opening and closing, and he has an ah-ha moment. I wonder if those bones are designed that way because they need to move? So that’s what led him into the world of cranial work and what he thought it was – just an extension of osteopathy, an extension of the concept of structure determining function. Which makes perfect sense. And then, another hundred years later William Doreste comes along and takes his thing, Dr. Sutherland’ s work, takes it, what I believe to the next level, with Cranial Release. Improving it and enhancing I believe the work that Sutherland did. And simplifying it and using the body’s internal cranial forces to open, align, and restore Sutherlands primary respiratory mechanism. That’s what he termed it, the primary respiratory mechanism.This involuntary cranial pump, because there are no muscles from the outside that move the cranium.
I was just reading some of his writings the other day and that was the thing that really made him wonder how is this even happening? Because there are no muscles that move these bones from the cranial primary respiratory mechanism. You know, if we want to move our hands, the muscles that’s moving the arm and moving the hand. The cranium doesn’t have that. So we have this involuntary cranial pump that’s chugging along in all of us. And then you hit a golf club or you are swinging a baseball, or you are sawing a piece of wood, or you run up a flight of steps and you injure a part of the body. And then you probably go and get that area taken care of locally which makes sense. I understand it. If you get the problem here you take care of it here. I understand, but what I want you to understand is underneath all that there’s another component to all this.
And that question is, how is this primary respiratory mechanism functioning? How was it functioning when you were injured? And if you even go back for a while, what I’m here to sort out, what I have very clear in my mind is, that this mechanism has been altered, has been reduced, has been impaired upon, so therefore weakened structure. And then the sneeze happens, or the flight of stairs, or the baseball, the pickle ball, whatever you are into. And then the problem arises.
So, I can’t tell you how many patients I’ve had over the years where they would come in with those complaints hey doc, my shoulder, hey doc, my back, my knee, my ankle, my whatever, fill in the blank. And I would go and I would address the cranium only with the Cranial Release Technique®. Addressing the structure, the 22 bones which therefore affect the spinal structure. In some of my other videos you can search, we talk about the dura mater, the covering of the brain and spinal cord, which then goes out into the periphery and becomes the epineurium, becomes the fascia, the connective tissue that holds everything together.
So it’s great that you get the area worked on where the problem is. This is fine. I have no problem with that. But to me, you are still missing the main player. The main player to me is the cranium. So in a perfect world, you as the practitioner would be applying the technique. You as the patient would be receiving the Cranial Release Technique®. Then, go in and do the local work if needed. And I think that would speed up the whole rehab and recovery process.
Our website is CranialRelease.com again that’s CranialRelease.com. You can search for a practitioner there, hopefully there is someone in your area.
We really want to take this work global. So if you are a chiropractor, a massage therapist, physical therapist you’re in Italy, you’re in Spain, in Romania, you are in Russia, you’re in China, you’re in Australia. Take a look at the website CranialRelease.com. Click on all the buttons. Click on the Free Report.
Click on the Online Training Program so you can see that if you’re sitting there in Rome, or you are in Madrid, or if you are there in the Canary Islands, or if you are sitting there in Buenos Aires, see how you could learn this in the comfort of your home or office. And then you can start applying it to your patients in addition to you working on the extremities or on the spine or whatever it is that you’re doing. Or needles if you are an acupuncturist. Or with nutrition why not look at the main system of the central nervous system, protected by the skull, protected by the cranium to enhance function throughout the body. And that’s what cranial release is all about.
So, you can click on that button and see it it is right for you, great, I will see you inside at the training where I will personally lead you through in the series of 11 modules. How do you do this work? How do you explain this work to a patient? How do you understand every aspect of it so that you can become a black belt in this thing called cranial release.
And you can start doing this and affecting people at a very very deep level. I just chose to speak about briefly sports type injuries. But we can talk about and of course, in my opinion, any athlete, he’s a pro, semi-pro, weekend warrior, Little League, whatever, they should be having regular Cranial Release Technique® done to optimize function. Not just the muscular skeletal system, but the entirety of who we are.
So again the website CranialRelease.com. If you have any questions, you can leave comments below. You can email me on the website CranialRelease.com.
Thanks, we did a little experiment here. Great to see this went well, unless I’m just here talking to myself. Could very well be, I’m not sure. I’ll find out in a little bit.
Thank you for your time, everyone. Enjoy your holiday weekend. Will be in touch soon again, CranialRelease.com and if you know a practitioner forward this to them or send them to my website, send them to my YouTube channel. Let’s get the word out there. Let’s really take a this global. That’s the big idea.
When I work on a patient, I explain to them that cranial release is going to change everything. It’s gonna change your ankle. It’s gonna change your kidney. It’s gonna change your liver. It’s going to enhance function throughout the entire body because the central nervous system, the brain, spinal cord controls all functioning in the body. That’s right out of Grey’s Anatomy
So, how can you do this thing, how can you enhance central nervous system function? It’s called the Cranial Release Technique®.This is the website CranialRelease.com. Thanks so much for your time. Have a great day everybody. Be well. Adios.