Hi, this is Dr. Doreste with the Cranial Release Technique®. Back with another video. Going to be a sort of a short one today. We had our class, as you recall, our Master review that was two weeks ago on Saturday. Had a fabulous group, learned a lot, experienced a lot of interesting stories, testimonials from the practitioners.
Then my wife and I went on a cruise, and a day or two into the cruise, I was there waiting at an elevator, and I was standing behind two ladies. They were talking; it turned out they were medical doctors, both in practice for a number of years. I would say probably about 70 years old each. They were talking about the challenges of practice today in 2023 and how it’s so difficult to keep up with all of the changes in medications, the side effects of medications, how they interact with each other – it was almost overwhelming. Both of them were sort of leaning towards retiring because it was getting to be too much.
After we all got on the elevator and then we all departed in our own different ways, I was thinking to myself, and I said, “Wow, how easy is it to be a Cranial Release Technique® practitioner? How simple is it in theory to assist the patient’s own primary respiratory mechanism?
So, I’m not saying that there’s not a need for medicine. I’m not saying there’s not a need for medical doctors. What I’m saying is, I just heard from two women that are in active practice. One was from England; one was from, I don’t know if it was Malaysia, Indonesia maybe. And they were just… They really were fed up with just how much work it involves after, I would say, 40 years in medical practice, at least 40 years.
So, I can’t imagine what life must be like for these people to go into practice every day, knowing that whatever the prescription was they gave last year now it’s got to be increased, decreased, taken with something else, watch for something else, do blood tests to check for something else. Just so much complication. And again, for those of us that practice Cranial Release, remember, in all of us, we have this primary respiratory mechanism, this involuntary cranial pump that’s moving along. And when that pump gets distorted, which it virtually is in all of us because of traumas and stresses, physical, chemical, emotional stresses all the way back from the birth process, that our job is to enhance this primary respiratory mechanism, enhance it. When I say enhance it, just assist the patient’s own body, because the patient’s own body is the one that’s doing this on its own. And all we’re going to do is a very specific technique, which I mentioned before. We do 12 steps on one side of the patient’s head, 12 steps on the other side of the patient’s head. And those 24 steps, which takes about a minute, are designed to help the cranium to open from inside out and restore this normal breathing mechanism, which is normal and natural in all of us.
So, the cranial release that I give you today will be, in theory, the same cranial release I give you next week, and a month from now, and six months from now, and a year from now, and five years from now. And I don’t have to keep studying about what’s going to change and how it’s going to change. I mean, unless the anatomy changes, which it hasn’t in the last 20 years that I’m doing this. The cranium is the cranium; there are 22 bones they need to move. I don’t have the complications that these two doctors were talking about.
And it’s a very, very simple way to practice, regardless of if you’re a chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, naturopath, medical doctor, dentist, holistic doctor of some sort, PT, OT, whatever it is that you do, whatever the initials after your name, it doesn’t really matter. Enhancing the primary respiratory mechanism of the patient is designed to enhance function throughout the body, and that’s it. It’s very, very simple.
All the details are on the website at CranialRelease.com if you’d like to learn more.
Like to learn how to become a practitioner? There’s a button there; it says Online Training Program.
If you’re a patient and you’re thinking about, “Gee, maybe this would help me, maybe I should go visit a practitioner.” Well, there’s quite a few new practitioners up on the website. So, I’m happy to say we now have a practitioner in Oregon, we have one in Mexico, we have them all over. So little by little, we keep spreading the word of Cranial Release, getting more practitioners all over the world to help you, the patient, so that you can function optimally, regardless of what your health problem is or if you don’t have a health problem, you just want everything to function normally. That’s the point; that’s the purpose of Cranial Release Technique®.
So, visit the website, have some fun, click all the buttons, get a Free Report.
CranialRelease.com is the website.
This is Dr. Doreste saying adios, my friends. We’re back from the high seas, had a fabulous time. Maybe it was meant to be that I heard those two medical doctors talking about how challenging practices today. I read another article a while ago that said virtually like 60 or 70% of all medical students graduate and never go into practice; it’s just too complicated. I feel bad for them; they spent a lot of money and a lot of time. They’re very intelligent people. Maybe they should look into Cranial Release; it’s a very simple way to enhance function, or physiology, change the structure, change the function.
This is Dr. Doreste saying adios, my friends. Be well, have a great day, talk to you soon, goodbye.