Hi, this is Dr. Doreste with the Cranial Release Technique®, back with another video. Something a little different today. This is really meant more for practitioners that are out there, whether you’re a chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, maybe a holistic dentist, maybe a holistic medical doctor, naturopath, someone that thinks like us, understands that the body is a self-healing organism, understands that there’s an innate intelligence, an inborn intelligence that’s always striving for good, for health, for happiness.
And we really want to just assist in the releasing of that inborn natural healing ability. And that’s what Chiropractic is, that’s what cranial release is based on. And when we used to travel the country doing seminars, and of which, by the way, I’ll be back doing a live event on December 2nd in Fort Lauderdale. And again, as you probably know, it’s only open to existing practitioners, whether you did the live event or you’ve done the online training.
So, if you’re interested in either the Online Training or the live event, you can visit our website at cranialrelease.com.
But let’s get back to this. I used to go around the country and ask practitioners before we got started, “What’s your dream practice?” What is the practice you’d love to be going to today if you could walk into your office today, tomorrow, the next day? How would that ideal practice look? And the majority of people over the years that I’ve discovered, and I’ve interviewed told me they would like a stress-free practice.
So, whatever that means to you, that could be maybe an all-cash practice, not dealing with insurance companies, not dealing with any regulators, just you and the patients. Maybe it is families coming in for care, not just accident victims, not people in pain, not people injured at work or car accidents, but families from babies to the elderly, everywhere in between. And that probably takes us to number four, what they would always say is, ‘I’d love a wellness-type practice.’
People are coming in for the right reason. They’re coming in either because they have trouble, or they want to prevent problems. They’re coming in on a regular basis. Could be a wellness or what we’d sometimes call a maintenance-type practice. So, people are coming in, they just come in on a regular basis, whatever you see fit. They’re paying cash. It’s a fun environment. It’s a simple office to work in. It’s simple, it’s fun.
It’s a place where you’d like to go and hang out. It’s a place where you enjoy being there. If you’re going to be there for six, eight, or ten hours a day, how many days a week, it might as well be simple and fun. And since you’re the captain of the ship, this is up to you, it’s your decision. So, the people that last the longest in practice, the people that enjoy going to work every day, in our field, whatever that field is, they love this type of a practice.
And of course, we could probably go on and on and think of different things. I could ask you, ‘How many patients would you like to see in a day or in a week?’ And you would put down the number of patients that would make sense to you. And again, to me, the more patients, the more you’re helping more people, and obviously the more profits you make. So that’s just a function of the numbers.
And I guess we could probably add more and more. I mean, I can just keep going here, but I didn’t want this to run off too long. But the point of the story is all this can be done by running a CRT practice. Let me explain a little bit. Okay, on that very first visit, you’re spending, I don’t know, 15, 20, 30 minutes with a new patient, maybe more, maybe less, depending on who it is and where they’re coming from, and what they understand and how deep you want to get.
I try to keep it fun and easy on the first few visits. I certainly want to listen to what they’re telling me. I want to address their concerns, but I also want to educate them as to what is the Cranial Release Technique®, and how is it that literally they’re only going to be on the table for a minute?
But in this minute, we’re going to be changing virtually everything in their body and restoring their ability to function better. And that’s really what I want them to get. It’s the restoration of function that we’re going to be doing with the cranial release. It just happens to take a minute. If it took five minutes, well then, they’d be on the table for five minutes. If it took 29 seconds, well then, they’d be on the table for 29 seconds.But in my experience, a minute is probably sufficient.
You know, the general patient, after the first few visits, we start to get into the rhythm with them. They’re probably coming in, they’re laying down. I’m probably just doing a simple test. I’m checking their legs, maybe I’m turning them in internally, rotating them to see which one is more restricted, seeing which leg is shorter. Applying the cranial release on the left side, applying the cranial release on the right side, going back to the feet, checking the legs, looking for improvement, turning the legs in, looking for improvement, saying, ‘That’s it for today, John. That’s it for today, Mary. I’ll see you on your next visit.’ And that’s basically the way it’s done.
And you know whether you’re going to charge them on a per visit basis, on a monthly basis, on a yearly basis, there’s all sorts of formulas that work for all sorts of people. So, whatever it is that works for you, it should be stress-free, cash, families, wellness, simple, fun. And depending on the number of patients you want to see,
I mean, I could virtually take anybody right now that’s a practitioner, that has a pretty good grasp of anatomy, physiology, they know how to palpate a little bit.You know, whether you’re a chiropractor, a massage therapist, an acupuncturist, a naturopath, and you just want to move to a cranial release-only type practice, which is the way I did it, that’s certainly a very simple formula to accomplish. I mean, we’ve seen that over and over and over.
But if you’re a massage therapist and you want to just add the Cranial Release Technique®, it’s easy. If you’re a chiropractor and you want to add the Cranial Release Technique® into your daily visit, it’s easy, it’s simple. If you’re a naturopath, if you’re an acupuncturist, if you’re a massage therapist, a physical therapist, a holistic dentist, a medical doctor, a naturopath, an osteopath, whatever it is that you do, it’s going to take about a minute, two minutes out of your visit to add the Cranial Release Technique®.
And I’m expecting you to see positive changes virtually immediately. So again, I could probably talk more about this, or if anyone has any questions, you can certainly call me anytime or email me. All the details are on the website at cranialrelease.com.
So again, when you have time, go to the website, hit all the buttons, get the Free Report. If you’d like to contact me, do it by email or by phone, the information is on the website. And we hope to see you. First of all, you’d start off with the Online Training, or if you’ve never taken one of our live events before. Do the Online Training first, and then come to what we call the Mastery Review where I can just hone-in all your skills.
We’re going to be there, it’s going to be a small, intimate setting. I’m going to be there; I’m going to have instructors there. It’s going to be a very personalized day. It’s going to be a full day in Florida. December 2nd is going to be the first one. And I think that’s it for now.
So, I hope you enjoyed this little simple dream practice evaluation and think about it. After you watch this video, spend a couple of minutes quiet and think about what is your ideal practice? And do you have that ideal practice? And if you do, that’s great. And if you do have your ideal practice, to me, by adding or considering adding the Cranial Release Technique®, it could actually just take your practice to the next level as far as results. Because again, the central nervous system controls all functions in the body. And if it controls and coordinates everything, well, the brain is in the head, and to me, if you don’t get to the cranium, you can’t access that 80 percent of the nervous system, which is the brain.
Some food for thought. Think about it. Hope to hear from you in the future.
This is Dr. Doreste saying adios, my friends. You have a wonderful day. Enjoy the rest of the summer, and I hope to see you down the road. Be well. Thank you.